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C++ Programming

C++ is a computer programming language that was designed to be a "better C", support data abstraction, object-oriented programming and generic programming.

Though its syntax can be more difficult or complex than newer languages, it is widely used because it compiles to native instructions that can be directly run by the processor and offers tight control over hardware (like C) while offering high-level features such as generics, exceptions, and classes. This combination of speed and functionality makes C++ one of the most widely-used programming languages.

C++ Programming Course Content / Syllabus

Module 1:- Introduction and First Program

Module 2:- Language Features

Module 3:- OOPs Concepts

Module 4:-- Inheritance

Module 5:- Polymorphism

Module 6:- I/O Streams

Module 7:- Exception Handling

Module 8:-- Templates

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