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Angular Js Training Institute - GreenMa

Learn through our all-inclusive AngularJS course syllabus with adequate practical experiences to develop the easy to manage web pages. Our trainers are skilled and have the industry experience to handle classes as per the student’s proficiency. We assist you for the assured placement after the successful course completion with valuable certification at GreenMa Infotech .

Angular Course Content / Syllabus

Below is the Adobe Flash course content in trichy used by the training institutes as part of the Adobe Flash course training. The Adobe Flash course syllabus covers basic to advanced level course contents which is used by most of Adobe Flash training classes in trichy .

Session 1: Introduction to HTML

Session 2: Introduction to CSS

CSS Introduction, Syntax, Selectors, Styling .Pseudo class, Pseudo Elements .CSS Tables, CSS Box Models .CSS Opacity, CSS Navigation Bar, Dropdowns.

Session 3: Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript Statements, Keywords, Functions .JavaScript Programs, Operators, Functions .Function Parameters, Function Return Types .Data Types, Primitive Types.

Session 4: Working with Objects

Object Oriented Programming, Object Creation .Adding Methods of Objects .JavaScript Loops & Iteration .Adding Properties of Objects .JavaScript Conditional Statements .Enumerating Properties, Callbacks, JSON.

Session 5: Angular JS Basics

What is Angular JS? .Why Angular JS? .Why MVC matters .MVC-The Angular JS way .Features of Angular JS ,Model-View-Controller .My First Angular JS app.

Session 6: Angular Expressions

All about Angular Expressions .How to use expressions, Angular vs JavaScript .Built-In Filters, Using Angular JS Filters .Creating Custom Filters .Introduction to Directives, Directive Lifecycle .Binding controls to data, Matching directives .Using Angular JS built-in directives .Creating a custom directive.

Session 7: Controllers

Role of a Controller, Controllers & Modules .Attaching Properties and functions to scope .Nested Controllers, Using Filters in Controllers .Controllers in External Files .Introduction to Angular JS Modules .Bootstrapping Angular JS .Working with Angular Forms, Model Binding .Forms Events, Updating Models with a Twist .Form Controller, Validating Angular Forms .$error object .What is scope, Scope Lifecycle .Scope Inheritance, Scope & Controllers .Root scope, Scope Broadcasting .Two-way data binding, Scope Inheritance .Scope & Directives, $apply and $watch Scope Events.

Session 8: Dependency Injection & Services

What is Dependency Injection .Creating Services, Factory, Service & Provider .Using Dependency Injection, What are services .Using Angular JS built in services . .What is SPA, Pros and Cons of SPA .Passing Parameters, Changing location .Installing the ng Route module, Configure routes .Resolving promises, Creating a Single Page Apps . .ng Animate Module, CSS Transforms .CSS Transitions, Applying Animations . .Introduction to Node JS .Advantages of Node JS .What is Node JS, Node.js Process Model .Traditional Web Server Model . .Install Node.js on Windows .Working in REPL, Node JS Console.

Session 9: Node JS Modules

Functions, Buffer, Module .Modules Types .Core Modules, Local Modules .Modules Exports .What is NPM, Installing Packages Locally .Installing package globally .Adding dependency in package json .Updating packages .Creating Web Server .Sending Requests .Handling http requests .read File, Writing a File .Opening a file, Deleting a file .Writing a file asynchronously .Other IO Operations.

Session 10: Debugging Node JS Application

Core Node JS Debugger .Event Emitter class .Inheriting Events .Returning event emitter .Configuring Routes .Working with Express .Serving Static Files .Working with Middle Ware .Connecting String, Configuring .Updating Records .Working with Select Command .Deleting Records .Project Development using Node JS.

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